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Larry G. Adams

Biographical Sketch


Larry G. Adams

Position title

Professor, Small Animal Internal Medicine






University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY




Auburn University, Auburn, AL



Veterinary Medicine

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN



Veterinary Internal Medicine

Personal Statement

My career as a veterinary internist has been focused on clinical nephrology and urology with emphasis on minimally invasive endourology procedures and hemodialysis. Through my sabbatical with Dr. James Lingeman at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis Indiana, I adapted endourologic procedures used in humans for use in dogs including extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, laser lithotripsy, ureteral stent placement, and urethral stent placement. We perform more than 200 cystoscopy related procedures per year in our hospital for a variety of urologic diseases including diagnostic cystoscopy, laser lithotripsy, ureteral stent placement and urethral stent placement for dogs with invasive urothelial carcinoma.

My career has been mostly focused on teaching and clinical service with less time for research efforts since 1996. I have been heavily involved in curricular reform and teaching activities within our veterinary curriculum including teaching renal physiology, problem-based learning, client communications, small animal nephrology and urology, and clinical rotations in small animal internal medicine. I am also co-director of our hemodialysis unit, which is the only veterinary hemodialysis unit in the state of Indiana.

Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

1984–1985   Internship in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Minnesota

1985–1986   Veterinary Practitioner, Small Animal Practice, North Shore Veterinary Clinic, Skokie, IL

1986–1991   Resident (Small Animal Internal Medicine) and Graduate Student, University of Minnesota

1991–1996   Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Purdue University

1996–2008   Associate Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Purdue University

2008–present   Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Purdue University

Board Certification

1991–present   Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Specialty of Small Animal Internal Medicine

Other Experience and Selected Professional Memberships

1981–present   American Veterinary Medical Association

1983–present   Phi Zeta

1984–present   Phi Kappa Phi

1990–present   American Society of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology; Board Member, 2018–2020

1991–present   American Association of Veterinary Clinicians

1992–present   American Society of Nephrology

2003–present   American Urology Association (Affiliate Member)

2006–present   European Society of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology

Selected Honors

Alumni Award for Excellence, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2019

University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 2013–2018

Excellence in Teaching Award, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2010

National Pfizer Distinguished Teacher Award, AAVMC, Washington DC, 2009

Zoetis (Pfizer/Norden) Distinguished Teacher Award, Purdue University, 1997, 2005, 2009, 2018

Alumni Teaching Award, College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2008

Inducted as Member of the University Teaching Academy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2007

Class of 1922 Helping Students Learn Award, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2003

Raymond E. Plue Outstanding Teacher Award, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 2001

Young Achiever's Award, Class of 1984, Auburn University, AL, 1994

Contribution to Science

1.   My research early in my career was focused on using an induced model of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats to study the impact of dietary protein intake on progression of CKD. This research was similar to dietary studies in humans and dogs. Because the feline CKD model was non-progressive, we determined that the model was not an acceptable model of human disease. I was responsible for all aspects of this research project including surgical induction of CKD, blood and urine testing, GFR and RBF determinations, and renal histopathologic evaluation (in conjunction with a veterinary pathologist).

  1. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD. Effects of dietary protein and calorie restriction in clinically normal cats and in cats with surgically induced chronic renal failure. Am J Vet Res. 1993;54(10):1653–1662.
  2. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD. Correlation of urine protein/creatinine ratio and twenty-four-hour urinary protein excretion in normal cats and cats with surgically induced chronic renal failure. J Vet Intern Med. 1992;6(1):36–40.
  3. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD. Comparison of fractional excretion and 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium and potassium in clinically normal cats and cats with induced chronic renal failure. Am J Vet Res. 1991;52(5):718–722.

2.   My main contributions to veterinary nephrology and urology field have been in minimally invasive urology procedures such as lithotripsy and other minimally invasive endourologic procedures. Prior to our initial publication about lithotripsy in dogs, essentially all uroliths in dogs were managed by open surgical removal. Other minimally invasive techniques include endoscopic treatment of renal hematuria and ureteroceles.

  1. Rogatko CP, Berent AC, Adams LG, Weisse CW, Bagley D. Endoscopic laser-ablation for the treatment of orthotopic and ectopic ureteroceles in dogs: 13 cases (2008–2017). J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33:670–679
  2. Lulich JP, Berent AC, Adams LG, Bartges JW, Westropp JL, Osborne CA. ACVIM Consensus Statement on Management of Urolithiasis. J Vet Intern Med. 2016;30:1564–1574. doi:10.1111/jvim.14559.
  3. Lim CK, Heng HG, Hui TY, Thompson CA, Childress MO, Adams LG. Ultrasonographic features of uterus masculinus in six dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2015:56:77–83.
  4. Berent AC, Weisse CW, Branter E, Adams LG, Aarhus A, Smee N, Berg R, Bagley DM. Renal sparing treatment for idiopathic renal hematuria (IRH): endoscopic-guided sclerotherapy. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2013:242(11):1556–1563.
  5. Adams LG. Nephroliths and ureteroliths: A new stone age. New Zeal Vet J. 2013:61:1–5. doi: 10.1080/00480169.2013.775691.
  6. Roudebush P, Polzin DJ, Adams LG, Towell TL, Forrester SD. An evidenced-based review of therapies for canine chronic kidney disease. J Small Anim Pract. 2010;51(5):244–252.
  7. Roudebush P, Polzin DJ, Ross SJ, Towell TL, Adams LG, Forrester SD. Therapies for feline chronic kidney disease. What is the evidence? J Feline Med Surg. 2009;11(3):195–210. doi: 10.1016/j.jfms.2009.01.004.
  8. Adams LG, Berent AC, Moore GE, Bagley DH. Use of laser lithotripsy for fragmentation of uroliths in dogs: 73 cases (2005–2006). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2008;232(11):1680–1687.
  9. Dalby AM, Adams LG, Salisbury SK, Blevins WE. Spontaneous retrograde movement of ureteroliths in two dogs and five cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2006;229(7):1118–1121.
  10. Adams LG, Williams JC Jr, McAteer JA, Hatt EK, Lingeman JE, Osborne CA. In vitro evaluation of canine and feline calcium oxalate urolith fragility via shock wave lithotripsy. Am J Vet Res. 2005;66(9):1651–1654.
  11. Widmer WR, Biller DS, Adams LG. Ultrasonography of the urinary tract in small animals. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2004;225(1):46–54.
  12. Siems JS, Jakovljevic S, Adams LG, Munjar TA, DeNicola DB. Discospondylitis in association with an intra-abdominal abscess in a dog. J Small Anim Pract. 1999;40(3):123–126.
  13. Jakovljevic S, Van Alstine WG, Adams LG. Ureteral diverticula in two dogs. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 1998:39(5);425–429.
  14. Waters CB, Adams LG, Scott-Moncrieff JC, DeNicola DB, Snyder PW, White MR, Gasparini M. Effects of glucocorticoid therapy on urine protein-to-creatinine ratios and renal morphology in the dog. J Vet Intern Med. 1997;11(3):172–177.
  15. Block G, Adams LG, Widmer WR, Lingeman JE. Use of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for treatment of nephrolithiasis and ureterolithiasis in five dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1996;208(4):531–536.
  16. Randall SR, Adams LG, White MR, DeNicola DB. Nephrotoxicity of amphotericin B administered to dogs in a fat emulsion versus five percent dextrose solution. Am J Vet Res. 1996;57(7):1054–1058.
  17. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD, Hostetter TH. Influence of dietary protein/calorie intake on renal morphology and function in cats with 5/6 nephrectomy. Lab Invest. 1994;70(3):347–357.
  18. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD. Effects of dietary protein and calorie restriction in clinically normal cats and in cats with surgically induced chronic renal failure. Am J Vet Res. 1993;54(10):1653–1662.
  19. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD. Correlation of urine protein/creatinine ratio and twenty-four-hour urinary protein excretion in normal cats and cats with surgically induced chronic renal failure. J Vet Intern Med. 1992;6(1):36–40.
  20. Adams LG, Polzin DJ, Osborne CA, O'Brien TD. Comparison of fractional excretion and 24-hour urinary excretion of sodium and potassium in clinically normal cats and cats with induced chronic renal failure. Am J Vet Res. 1991;52(5):718–722.

3.   I have been a clinical collaborator on studies on invasive urothelial carcinoma in dogs with Dr. Knapp’s research group especially in regards to endourology procedures to support clinical research. Dr. Knapp and I are joint authors on five publications.  

  1. McMillan SK, Knapp DW, Ramos-Vara JA, Bonney PL, Adams LG. Outcome of urethral stent placement for management of urethral obstruction secondary to transitional cell carcinoma in dogs: 19 cases (2007–2010). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2012;241(12):1627–1632.
  2. Childress MO, Adams LG, Ramos-Vara JA, Freeman LJ, He S, Constable PD, Knapp DW. Results of biopsy via transurethral cystoscopy and cystotomy for diagnosis of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder and urethra in dogs: 92 cases (2003–2008). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2011;239(3):350–356. doi: 10.2460/javma.239.3.350.
  3. Knapp DW, Adams LG, DeGrand AM, Niles JD, Ramos-Vara JA, Weil AB, O’Donnell MA, Lucroy MD, Frangioni JV. Sentinel lymph node mapping of invasive urinary bladder cancer in animal models using invisible light. Eur Urol. 2007;52(6):1700–1708.
  4. Boria PA, Glickman NW, Schmidt BR, Widmer WR, Mutsaers AJ, Adams LG, Snyder PW, DiBernardi L, de Gortari AE, Bonney PL, Knapp DW. Carboplatin and piroxicam therapy in 31 dogs with transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Vet Comp Oncol. 2005;3(2):73–80.
  5. Knapp DW, Glickman NW, Widmer WR, DeNicola DB, Adams LG, Kuczek T, Bonney PL, DeGortari AE, Han C, Glickman LT. Cisplatin versus cisplatin combined with piroxicam in a canine model of human invasive urinary bladder cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2000;46(3):221–226.

Invited lectures and Continuing education seminars

Invited lecturer at scientific and Continuing education meetings including 58 international meetings (24 different countries), 59 national meetings, and 74 regional and state CE meetings.

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